Transfer YouTube music to iPhone

We are sure, every other owner of iDevice asked himself at least once, how to transfer my YouTube music to iPhone or iPod? Not that it was a big deal, though, but still if you need to add multiple clips to iTunes simultaneously, this might produce certain difficulties. With YouTube to MP3 Converter you can listen to your favorite songs and watch the best YouTube clips on your device after accomplishing merely five simple steps of this guide.

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  1. Enable iTunes export

    Run YouTube to MP3 Converter if it's not, and open the Preferences window. Switch to the Music output tab. Make sure the Add to iTunes option is enabled. You can add downloaded music to a certain playlist in iTunes or go without it – in the latter case make the playlist drop-down empty.

  2. Audio quality

    While you are still in Preferences, you can adjust the desirable audio quality. By default, the original M4A format is used, and we recommend staying with this value unless you don’t care much for the quality. In this case you can set your own values for bitrate and quality of the music.

  3. Tune up iTunes

    Now it's time to connect your iPhone (iPod, iPad) device to computer and adjust iTunes synchronization options. Select your connected device in iTunes and switch Music. You can synchronize all music or select some particular songs, artists, albums or playlists. If you select the last option, make sure you have selected that playlist on Step 1.

  4. Add YouTube music

    As iTunes is configured and the device is connected, you can start transferring YouTube clips to iPhone. Add all videos and clips from YouTube to the download list of the program and click the Start button. You can read a comprehensive tutorial on adding YouTube videos to YouTube to MP3 Converter here.

  5. Sync device

    After the program has finished, simply synchronize iTunes with the connected device, and you are done!

Video Converter