How to instantly find missing lyrics for your music

We all love listening to music, but sometimes we also want to sing along to it. There numerous ways to find lyrics to music you love starting from writing down words as you hear them. But MediaHuman Lyrics Finder offers probably the easiest and fastest way to finally learn the lyrics of songs you'd like to sign along to. Follow this simple tutorial and never miss lyrics again!

This guide has been written using the Mac version of the program, but the steps for Windows are the same

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  1. Run Lyrics Finder

    Run MediaHuman Lyrics Finder. The main window looks as follows:

    Main window of Lyrics Finder application

    Pretty simple, eh? Two toolbar buttons above allow you to add an individual music file and the entire folder correspondingly. The program supports MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, ALAC, OGG, WMA and APE formats.

  2. Adding songs to find lyrics

    If you want to add just one song, click this toolbar button Add File button. Then select the file you need in the open dialog.

    Alternatively, you can select a whole folder to add all songs in it and find lyrics in bulk. Click this button Add Folder button then select the folder in the folder selection dialog.

  3. Lyrics is already here!

    That's it! MediaHuman Lyrics Finder locates lyrics instantly. Select a music composition in the list to see its lyrics on the right panel. The player bar on the top allows you to play and pause the song.

    App is searching for lyrics

    If you find a mistake in the lyrics text, you probably want to fix it. Click the Edit button Edit lyrics button to switch to the editing mode. The Refresh button Refresh lyrics button nearby allows you to reload lyrics. And if you want to adjust the font size, use the pair of buttons in the bottom right corner.

  4. Adjusting preferences

    Now, as we learned how to find lyrics to any songs you have, it is time to review some settings Lyrics Finder offers. See the button in the bottom left corner? It brings up the settings menu.

    Settings menu

    The settings menu allows you to delete files you don't need anymore from the list, hide files that already have lyrics, select all files in the list and adjust preferences.

    MediaHuman Lyrics Finder is a simple application, so there are not many settings in it.

    Settings dialog

    You can choose the language of the interface, configure the default font for lyrics and specify a proxy server. Since the program acquires lyrics via the Internet, on some systems the direct access to search can be unavailable due to network settings. In this case you can enable this option and enter proxy settings below. The program supports both HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy.

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